You might find that with others – but not with us!
We offer premium products and great jobs in a dynamic team.
Oh yes: and GOLF is also more than just a car with us
For 25 years, CAICON GmbH has been offering its customers an exclusive B2B full-service package which includes the development and manufactoring of high-quality merchandise and advertising materials as well as logistic services, e-shop solutions and the marketing of quality Golf products. Our customers include the Champions League of large companies such as Mercedes-Benz, Siemens, Deutsche Bank, AIDA and BMW, as well as medium-sized companies from the DACH region such as Minimax, Robinson Club, Newboxes, Dirk Kreuter, Ambulanz Mobil 24 and many more.
The CAICON MERCHANDISE STUDIO’s long list of successes now includes 6,521 successfully developed products, of which
33% of which are sold worldwide – and growing.
CAICON GOLFSPORT distributes the products of renowned brands such as Bridgestone Golf, U.S. Kids Golf, Zero Friction, Hirzl or SNAG Golf and thus exclusively supplies the specialized trade in
Western Europe.
Our company headquarters is located in the middle of the Hamburg metropolitan region in Ahrensburg. This region is part of the Hansebelts – the region of Germany where, according to the „Deutsche Post Happiness Atlas 2021“, the happiest people live – and work.
We think that’s right!

Strengthening your own brand through premium merchandise articles
Increasing the margin through attractive incentives on products
Time saving through processing via our in-house full service
Cost savings through our direct sourcing service from factory
By moving to our new, state-of-the-art facility in Ahrensburg, we have set the course for process optimisation, maximum digitalization and above-average growth. Do you believe in huge opportunities as much as we do? If so, we offer you a unique opportunity to play an active part in this process, to contribute 100% of your ideas and creativity, and to work with us to significantly increase our success. Whether in marketing, sales or administration: if you are passionate about your area of expertise, if you want to develop your field of responsibility independently, if you want to see how products, campaigns or processes developed by you lead to success, then you already have the best prerequisites to strengthen our CAICON team and to soon feel at home in the Hansebelt region with its highest quality of life.
As a modern, innovative and owner-operated company, we have a lot to offer. Our corporate culture stands for values such as enjoyment, trust, respect, growth, openness, solutions and quality. But there are many more benefits you can look forward to:

- a structured and digitalized onboarding process
- state-of-the-art and intensive further and advanced training opportunities
- regular, constructive & individual feedback sessions
- independent and autonomous work
- a position at an attractively located site with excellent infrastructure
- regular touch-points with Germany's TOP customers
- a crisis-proof full time job in an industry with enormous growth potential
- a performance related salary
- a net wage optimisation
- unique career opportunities
- attractive employee discounts
- top technical equipment such as laptop and iPhone
- regular joint team events
- an open, diverse & exciting team
- appreciation and respect
- a management style of short paths, open doors and open ears
- 25 holidays
- additional 2 paid "joker days" for spontaneous events
- a family friendly & flexible work schedule
- flexible working hours
We don’t care about your age, cultural, social or ethnic background! What matters to us is your passion, your energy and your drive for your position and your new area of work. In addition to your professional qualities, you have other strengths that make us want to get to know you:
- you love communicating with people, whether it be in German or in English, when necessary
- Your enthusiasm is contagious
- an appropriate and respectful way of expressing yourself is important to you
- perseverance and ambition drive you forward
- instead of complaining, you are proactively tackling and changing
- you want to work independently
- teamwork and the ability to work in a team are indispensable components of the path to success for you
- your service mentality and your service thinking distinguish you from other candidates
- challenges and resistance are particularly motivating for you
- you are interested in sports and sporting events, but do not have to have a golf handicap
- loyalty and reliability play an overriding role for you
- with your creativity and flexibility you are able to set new impulses and get things moving
- it is your ambition to drive long-term planning and build a sustainable successful business.
- you are curious to learn new things and think outside the box
Exciting challenges for creative minds and implementers
Einkäufer & Auftragsabwicklung - m/w/d
Mit deinem Verhandlungsgeschick für uns die besten Einkaufskonditionen verhandeln, attraktive Margen kalkulieren und dann zu kontrollieren, ob alles reibungslos abläuft.
Auch dieses reizvolle Aufgabenpaket gibt es bei uns.
Bewirb dich mit nur ein paar Klicks.
Wir warten auf dich!

Social Media Manager VZ/TZ m/w/d
Du liebst es, deine kreativen und ungewöhnlichen Ideen zu entwickeln und eigenverantwortlich einzubringen.
Eine gute Voraussetzung, dann haben wir etwas für dich.
Zögere nicht, sondern bewirb dich mit nur ein paar Klicks.
Wir warten auf dich!
Sales Representative VZ m/w/d (3 Stellen zu vergeben)
Du brennst für den Vertrieb, du willst dich entwickeln und deine Grenze erweitern? Du schaffst es, ein NEIN in ein JA zu verwandeln?
Das passt perfekt zu unserem Mindset.
Mit nur ein paar Klicks hast du dich beworben und wir können starten.

Buchhalter/Bilanzbuchhalter VZ m/w/d
Zahlen, Daten, Fakten – genau dein Ding.
Du analysierst sie, du erweckst sie zum Leben und entwickelst erfolgreiche Strategien.
Mit nur ein paar Klicks hast unseren strukturierten Bewerbungsprozess absolviert und wir treten in Kontakt.
Spannende Herausforderungen für kreative Köpfe und Umsetzer
Social Media Manager VZ/TZ m/w/d
Du liebst es, deine kreativen und ungewöhnlichen Ideen zu entwickeln und eigenverantwortlich einzubringen. Eine gute Voraussetzung, dann haben wir etwas für dich.
Zögere nicht, sondern bewirb dich mit nur ein paar Klicks.
Wir warten auf dich!

Sales Representative VZ m/w/d
Du brennst für den Vertrieb, du willst dich entwickeln und deine Grenze erweitern? Du schaffst es, ein NEIN in ein JA zu verwandeln? Das passt perfekt zu unserem Mindset.
Mit nur ein paar Klicks hast du dich beworben und wir können starten.

Bilanzbuchhalter VZ m/w/d
Zahlen, Daten, Fakten – genau dein Ding. Du analysierst sie, du erweckst sie zum Leben und entwickelst erfolgreiche Strategien.
Mit nur ein paar Klicks hast unseren strukturierten Bewerbungsprozess absolviert und wir treten in Kontakt.

Einkäufer & Auftragsabwicklung – m/w/d
Mit deinem Verhandlungsgeschick für uns die besten Einkaufskonditionen verhandeln, attraktive Margen kalkulieren und dann zu kontrollieren, ob alles reibungslos abläuft. Auch dieses reizvolle Aufgabenpaket gibt es bei uns.
Bewirb dich mit nur ein paar Klicks.
Wir warten auf dich!
Lorem Ipsum dolor
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem Ipsum
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consetetur sadipscing elitr, sed diam nonumy eirmod tempor invidunt
Wir sind zwar kreativ, aber wir verzichten dennoch auf überflüssiges Chichi. Der CAICON-Bewerbungsprozess läuft dementsprechend ab: strukturiert, fokussiert und zielgerichtet. Nach Eingang deiner Kurzbewerbung erhältst du von uns in kürzester Zeit ein Feedback.
binnen 48 Stunden erhältst du dein Feedback zu
deiner Kurzbewerbung, ggf. mit Terminvereinbarung
für das telefonische Interview

02. Telefoninterview
erstes Kennenlernen mit telefonischem
Kurzinterview, ggf. Einladung zum persönlichen

Persönliches Gespräch
wir sehen uns persönlich oder per
Zoom und sprechen intensiv, ggf.
Einladung zum Schnupper-Tag

Dein persönlicher Schnupper-Tag
lerne das Team kennen, erhalte erste Einblicke und
absolviere Praxis-Übungen, danach folgt das finale

Willkommen im
wir unterschreiben die Verträge – welcome on Board!
We are creative, but we do not get carried away. The CAICON application process is structured, focused and targeted. After receiving your short application, you will receive feedback from us in the shortest possible time.
01. Feedback
You will receive feedback on your short application within 48 hours, if necessary with an appointment for the telephone interview.

02. Phone interview
First meeting with telephone
interview and invitation to a personal
03. personal interview
we meet each other in person or by zoom and talk intensively,
if applicable recieve invitation to a trial day

04. your personal trial day
get to know the team, get first insights and complete practical exercises, followed by final feedback
05. Welcome to the team
we sign the contracts – welcome on board!

What happens next?
- your individual onboarding phase starts to get to know the team and the environment
- during this time you internalize more and more the processes and procedures, so that you...
- will start at full throttle after this manageable period

Questions about your application
We keep the application process as short and simple as possible and necessary. Just click on the application button on our
application page. If we want application materials from you, we will specifically request them.
With us, there are no dusty archives or „deadbeats“. All jobs displayed on our site are available as long as they are online.
So take advantage of the opportunity while it’s available.
No, there is no deadline for applications with us. As long as the positions are visible online, they are not yet filled.
Yes, absolutely. Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Success is not bound by rules.
You can contact us at any time with any questions. We will get back to you as soon as possible.
No. If you want to introduce yourself to us, you can be sure that no one will know about it. We will arrange all
We will arrange all the appointments according to your time, so you don’t have to worry.
Tips for getting to know each other
Whether you’re an old hand or just starting out in your career: when it comes to the first face-to-face meeting with your potential new employer, everyone will be plagued by a certain amount of nervousness.
That’s why here are a few tips on how to proceed successfully.
You should feel comfortable in your clothes, this is important to us because we want to get to know you as you are. But: everyone has only one
chance to make a first impression.
We emphasize it again and again: be yourself, be authentic, don’t pretend. At CAICON, we’re all about finding the best people to join our team.
who are just as motivated, just as focused and just as enthusiastic as we are.
Don’t worry if you’re a little nervous. It can even be positive and sharpen your senses. No false inhibitions if we have not
have not expressed ourselves clearly and understandably. There are no stupid questions, only stupid answers. Taking notes and note taking
are not forbidden if it makes sense to you.
If you are invited to the trial day, then you have made a positive impression up to this point. On the trial day, you will get to know the
team and have the opportunity to present yourself successfully and convincingly as an advertising medium on your own behalf.
It fits between us? Then we won’t waste any time – because time is…., you know. That makes you part of our team. Welcome to our mission
to our mission and to the onboarding process!
For better readability, the masculine form is used for personal names and personal nouns on this website. Corresponding terms apply in principle to all genders for the purposes of equal treatment. The abbreviated form of language is for editorial reasons only and does not imply any valuation.